I was getting ready to transfer it to another container when I had an aha thought:
I left the cilantro in the strainer basket, poured the water out of the solid bowl, covered the top with plastic wrap and poked a few holes in the top (for ventilation).
This cilantro lasted a week!!!
The secret combination: spin the cilantro dry, keep it in the basket so any moisture will continue to drain off, and make sure it is covered to prevent wilting, but that there is ventilation for it to breathe (I know this is important because of the design of those Rubbermaid Produce Savers. ...there are holes under the lid)
Of course there were mitigating circumsatance; the cilantro came from Compare Foods and it was in a smaller bunch than sold in other supermarkets, plus possibly fresher.
That sounds cool because I hate when I buy cilantro and it goes bad like two days later. So are you saying that the plastic wrap just dried it off better by stopping the water from flying all over?
I think it worked for two reasons, the main one being that the colander part let the water left on the cilantro continue to evaporate out the SIDES, instead of having to drip down to the bottom as in the Rubbermaid produce keepers (which I love). I punched the holes in the plastic wrap because the lids of the R produce keepers have holes (hidden), too, and those new plastic ziplocs for produce are also perforated.
Have you tried growing your own, its super easy to grow in spring through fall anyway , some places year-round and then you can cut and use as needed. Good tip though.
This sounds like a great trick! We have the same problem with cilantro... I just bought some today so I'm going to have to try this!
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Katie P
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