
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Birthday Wine Tasting

A local restaurant, Cosmos Cafe, sponsored a Columbia Crest wine tasting event on my birthday. How lucky was that?! My neighbor also has a birthday this month and we often get together for a celebratory dinner.

As luck would have it, the start time was changed, so we got to the venue half an hour early and had a lovely conversation with the vitner, a very charming man. The wine distributor was also very nice and the restaurant manager gave us a lot of attention; even the chef came out to talk to me when I complimented the dessert. What a lovely birthday experience!

The wines and food were lovely. The first wine with dinner was a Chardonnay. OK, Chardonnay not my fav. Well, we tasted it, our eyes got real wide and we all asked "how do you get coconut cream flavor in a wine? It was amazing. The vitner said he used American White Oak. Anyway, it was gorgeous.

The wine tasting had about 40 reservations and about 20 people showed up. So, they poured wine....and poured wine...and poured wine. My goodness, I think I drank the equivalent of a bottle. Ouch.

A lovely "35th" birthday celebration, all in all.

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