
Friday, August 02, 2013

A Moving Story

We have moved from North Carolina to Georgia, from  Banktown to Lake Country.  From shopping nirvana to just Publix.  In the middle of nowhere, but ah, just gorgeous.  No noise, no traffic, heaven.

Since my family and friends know bits and pieces of the Moving Story and have forgotten most of it, I am sure, and since I would not talk about the house sale for fear of jinxing it, and then we skedaddled out of town before anybody knew we were leaving, I thought I would write the story down, now that all the excitement is over and we are just hanging about waiting to start building our house.


Six years ago we found the place where we wanted to retire. It was in Georgia's Lake Country, between Greensboro and Eatonton, called Lake Oconee Community.  The lot we found was in Reynold's Landing.  We bought it quickly, expecting the land prices to soar as they were doing everywhere else.  

Fast forward to the Great Recession.  First The Landing was merged with Reynolds Plantation to save costs.  Then bankruptcy was declared.  We sat quietly in Charlotte, NC, and watched the drama unfold.  Bank of America took it over.  In time, Snoopy swooped in on the MetLife blimp and bought it, lock stock and doghouse.  Things were looking up.

Still we sat in our Charlotte house.  Larry retired and began painting and generally renovating our 1980's house while we waited for the housing market in Charlotte to recover.  

We finally put the house on the market in March 2013 and waited.  And waited. And waited.  Finally, a young couple from a nearby neighborhood needed a bigger house but wanted to stay in the area came calling and made us an offer.  We took it, but had to move out quickly....

This is going to be in installments so as not to overwhelm.  See ya in a day or two.

Lived here for 28 years!

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